Fashion World Is Very Close To Us

Fashion starting from the year 1920.Kenapa? because at the beginning of this dekde fashion world. This year is the beginning of the revival of the girls achieve freedom and independence. In previous decades, Cinderella-style dresses with skirts super Megar with extra tight waist, torturing the girls, because that's starting in left '20an clothes.
in 1920 a new century when the fashion world is reborn with a different view. The latest innovation comes from the designer world, such as Coco Chanel is presenting pieces, color, and style that emphasizes the character of a girl. This is where the world of fashion began to fly.
entered the 1930s, the development of fashion a little bit slower until finally entering the second world war (1940-1946). from that used only functional, a clothing also have the aesthetic or the 'beautiful'.

outside the fashion world also had a great influence. especially at the beginning of the film world to '60an '50an. some satr movie role models in the world of fashion and even become icons, such as Marlene Dietrich with his clothes androginy. in this era, many world designers to innovate. From London there is Mary Quant mini skirt and Barbara Hulanicki with London youth street wear style. James Galanos of the United States there is a fitted dress and Rudi Gernreich's clothes unisex. in Paris known as Yves Saint Laurent style tailoring for girls, Pierre Cardin in his space suit and Emmanuel Ungaro fashion couture with her​​.
development time to make the fashion world emang also continues to grow. And baseball had closed the possibility of fashion we can feel again.

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